I follow politics and BJP quite closely but I never really cared for Yogi Adityanath before, and my opinion was pretty much in line with what was shown in MSM. And I honestly admit that I am shocked to see that he is chosen as the CM for the state. Equally shocked to discover that he is a 44 year old guy who is already a 5 time elected MP. Not a lot of media's favorite "youth" leaders can match that kind of popularity on ground. My first reading was that, this has to be single most massive gamble taken by BJP. After just a couple of hours of frantic googling and research I am not sure if I feel the same way. Few points that come to mind on how the politics will play out with Yogi Adityanath in UP: 1. Yogi will keep the media obsessed for next two years which means a disproportional attention to everything he does. Think Gujarat from 2002 - I am a great believer that the obsession of media with modi and attacks on him made him a bigger leader. Because even the smalle...