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Showing posts from January, 2009


Obama is THE President. Obama is THE Hope. Obama is GOD!!! I don't understand this over enthusiasm over Obama, especially in India. News channels covered the sworn-in ceremony live. People are crazily cheering for Obama. I have had people clapping for Obama in my living room, while asking, "So do they have a Prime Minister too?" in the same breath! It was beyond any absurdity…

Murphy’s Law for Single Gals

Whenever the guy you really want to talk to calls, you are inevitably away from phone or busy at work. So much so that he stops calling you for khaoing so much bhaav!!! And when the guy you desperately don't want to talk to calls, you are free and eager to talk on phone. And then of course ignore that call. So the single gals don't get to talk to any guy; only a few stalkers during the free time!!!! Sigh…